Natural Chemistry 3L Pool Perfect
Pool Perfect 3L
Price: $39.99

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Product Code: NC03121

Pool Perfect® from Natural Chemistry®

To prevent or eliminate scum-lines and other organic matter that can lead to pool cloudiness or possible chlorine demand.  Pool Perfect® is not an algicide or algistat or water clarifier.  Pool Perfect® contains a special blend of natural enzymes that "eat up" & remove these wastes from your pool water.

At, we've been using enzymes in spas & hot tubs for years with great success.  Now, Pool Perfect® from Natural Chemistry® provides a similar technology specifically made for swimming pools.

Organic waste includes greases, oils, pollen & other organic matter that gradually builds up in your pool water causing it to troublesome.

Organic waste build up can lead to:

   * nasty looking scum lines that can feed or cause a bio-film
   * bad tasting water
   * sore, itchy, red eyes
   * excessive chlorine consumption - chlorine demand
   * shorter filter runs (filter clogs up quickly)

Regular use of Pool Perfect leads to:

   * fresh tasting & smelling water
   * longer filter runs
   * softer, nicer feeling water
   * less skin & eye irritation
   * cleaner pool surfaces - significantly less waterline mess
   * more effective sanitizers - Pool Perfect® can be used in ALL pools with ANY sanitizing system - chlorine, bromine, biguanides (Soft Swim® or Baquacil®), ionizing systems (Pool Frog® or Nature2®) or ozone based.

Excellent for use in pools with attached spas, swim spas or fountains.

For POOL use only.  DO NOT use in spas or hot tubs.

Read & follow all label instructions. 1.0 oz per 2,000 gallons of pool water weekly, poured directly into the water. Use the pool in 15 minutes.

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